Word of God • Prayer • Community

Weekly Update – September 26, 2019

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Hello Church Family,

The Catechism Question for this week is:
   What is God?
God is the creator and sustainer of everyone and everything. He is eternal, infinite, and unchangeable in his power and perfection, goodness and glory, wisdom, justice, and truth. Nothing happens except through him and by his will.
It is a much longer answer this week than it was last week, but I hope that you have had a chance to ponder God’s attributes: eternality, infiniteness, unchangeableness, omnipotence, perfection. God is good, and glorious, and wise, and just, and truth. 
When anything happens, it happens by God’s will. This is something we don’t often hear. Most often we hear that it wasn’t God’s will for that bad thing to happen… 
When bad things happen and trials come we can either say that it wasn’t God’s will for that to happen – i.e. God wasn’t able to change those circumstances to suit His purposes.
We can say that all things happen through Him and by His will, Romans 8:28, “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose.”
For those who love God we can say that even the bad things in this life have a greater purpose for good. 

There was a plan to help with a small Shingling project on Saturday in Alix, but the weather forecast is pretty grim. Let me know if you were planning to help out, and I’ll keep you apprised of any changes.

This Sunday is our first Potluck Sunday in a while. I’m looking forward to sharing a meal with you and sharing the Lord’s Table together beforehand.

This Sunday will also be the last week for designated offerings for our VBS worker, Shena, from Child Evangelism Fellowship.

Isaiah Bible Study: Talk with Laurie if you’d like to be involved.

The next Church Prayer Meeting will be on October 2 at 7:30pm at the church.

Crafty Saturday, October 5 from 10:00-4:00 at the church.

Plan to Protect training – please continue to get that training complete.

If you are interested in attending the Far East Broadcasting Dinner on Tuesday, October 22 in Red Deer please speak with Wilma.

Our mission focus this month is Home of Hope.

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