Word of God • Prayer • Community

Weekly Update – January 24, 2018

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Hello Church Family,

Whom have you been praying for? Let’s see what God will do when we pray for someone to hear the gospel this year!

This Sunday we will celebrate the Lord’s Table and also have a potluck after the service.

The Ladies’ Bible Study group is starting up really soon. Talk to Angie for more details. There are still copies of the book available on the foyer table.

On Saturday, February 3 Laurie and Amanda are organizing a scrapbooking and crafting time at the church. Bring your projects and have a great time!

Our next Prayer Meeting will be on Wednesday, February 7 at 7:30 pm at the church.

The next youth event will be on Friday, February 16, “The Winter Olympics.” 7:00 pm at the Christian School.

Our Annual Meeting is set for Sunday, February 25 after potluck lunch.

Our Mission Focus this month is Compassion Canada. Please continue to uphold them in prayer.