Word of God • Prayer • Community

Weekly Update – March 15, 2018

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Hello Church Family,

How has your Bible reading been going so far this year? Don’t get discouraged and keep pressing through!

A few upcoming events:

This Friday night will be the Fear Factor Youth Event at the church at 7:00pm.

The final Ladies’ Bible Study will be this Friday at the church at 7:30pm.

The LTCS Grad Fundraising Spaghetti Supper is this Saturday at 5:30pm at the school. There will be a live dessert auction and silent auction as well.

The True Girls Club meets this Sunday, March 18 from 1:00-3:30pm.

Cafe Connections is at Laurie’s house on Wednesday, March 21 at 1:30pm

Later that evening there will be our prayer meeting at 7:30pm at the church.

Next Friday, March 23 there will be a games night at the church. More info to follow.

We will be having a Good Friday Service at the church at 10:30am. The Nursery will be open for parents but there will be no Jr. Church time.

Service on Easter Sunday morning will be at 10:30am as usual at the church.

Please keep your ears open for our upcoming Plan to Protect training opportunities.

Also please continue to pray for your evangelistic target for the year. Pray that God would soften their heart, and that you would have godly boldness and peace to share the gospel with them when the time comes.