Word of God • Prayer • Community

Weekly Update – May 24, 2018

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Hello Church Family,

We will be celebrating the Lord’s Table this coming Sunday.

After service will be our final potluck until the fall. In June, July, and August we will have Burger for a Buck. Please consider bringing your friends out to this event. The dates will be June 24, July 29, and August 26.

After the Potluck there is the Meet and Greet for Maverick.

Our next Church Prayer Meeting is on Wednesday, June 6 at 7:30pm. I won’t be there, I’ll be at the Alliance General Assembly in Calgary. Please pray for this event, and please come and pray with one another.

Our Church Campout will be on July 20-21 at Deer Valley Meadows. We will not have a Sunday Service on July 22, instead we will gather and share a time of singing and message out at Deer Valley. Amanda and others are planning some fun activities during the day on Saturday, with a hot-dog roast right before the evening service. Maybe you can come out just for the day on the Saturday and hang out with each other in a truly beautiful setting.

We are looking at running a summer book study again this year. The book is called None Like Him by Jen Wilkin. We’ll read a couple chapters each month and then meet once a month. If you are interested in just getting a copy of the book or doing the study let Amanda know on or before June 4th. Here is the books description: As people with limited understanding, we tend to imagine a heavenly Father who is like us. But our Creator possesses many attributes we don’t—and that’s a good thing! Take a closer look at the God who is infinitely knowable, creative, able to provide, timeless, unchanging, powerful, wonderful, and more.

Our Mission Focus continues to be the Central Alberta Pregnancy Care Centre. I hope you’ve had a chance to find some change for your Baby Bottles 🙂 Baby Bottles and other donations are due back on Father’s Day.