Word of God • Prayer • Community

Weekly Update – June 20, 2018

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Hello Church Family,

Please pray for all our students and staff as the school year winds down and final exams are written.

Tonight is our Church Prayer Meeting at 7:30pm.

Summer Book Study. The None Like Him books are in at the church. Study begins Thursday, July 12th at Laurie’s house.

Burger for a Buck is this Sunday, 5:30pm. We should set up around 4:30 so if you can come out to give a hand with that it would be most appreciated.

As it is the last Sunday of June on the 24th we will celebrate the Lord’s Table together.

Please remember to pray for the Haiti Children’s Home this month.

Our VBS has been booked with the 5-Day Club workers from Child Evangelism Fellowship. It will be August 20-24.

Also keep our Church Family Campout in mind July 20-22. There will be no Sunday Service on the 22nd. We will worship together on the evening of the 21st. (Click on photo to see the complete brochure).