Word of God • Prayer • Community

Weekly Update – July 5, 2018

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Hello Church Family,

Our Church Prayer Meetings will resume again in September.

This Sunday, July 8, right after the service there will be a Baby Shower for the McDowells. Please bring some finger food to share.

Next Thursday, July 12 at 7:00pm the None Like Him book study begins at our house.

July 20-22 is our Church Campout. Our normal Sunday Service will occur that Saturday night out at Deer Valley Meadows. I hope you can join us to camp, or just for the day or afternoon and evening on Saturday. There will be hot dogs and buns provided for the evening supper at 5:30pm, please bring a salad, and or dessert, and your own pop and juice. For more info click on the picture of the brochure.

Our next Burger for a Buck is on July 29. We will need some volunteers for setting up and taking down. Thank you!

July 15 we are excited to welcome the Cottrils to share at our church.

August 20-24 is our VBS at the church from 10:00am to noon.

We are half way through the 5-Day Bible reading for the year. Maybe you can hop on for the last 6 months?