Word of God • Prayer • Community

Weekly Update – September 20, 2018

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Hello Church Family,

We have our Baptism service on Sunday.

Also on Sunday after the service is the first True Girls Club meeting from 1:00-3:30. All girls grades 5 and up are invited.

The last Summer Book Study will be on September 27 at 7:00pm at Marlene’s house.

Sunday, September 30 we will celebrate the Lord’s Table together, and after the service we will have a potluck. The theme is “Take Out”.

After the potluck there will be a Baby Shower for the Wipf twins.

Our next Prayer Meeting is October 4, 2018 at the church. We begin at 7:30pm and it would be great to pray with one another.

September’s Mission Focus is MAF. Please continue to pray for the Reierson and Dole families.

The Western Canadian Creation Conference is October 12-13 in Red Deer.