Word of God • Prayer • Community

Weekly Update – September 27, 2018

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Hello Church Family,

Let’s keep evangelism in the front of our minds as October is just around the corner. Please continue to pray for your evangelistic target!

This Sunday we will celebrate the Lord’s Table and also have a Potluck. The theme is “Take Out.”

After church on Sunday there will be a Baby Shower for the Wipf twins.

Next Wednesday will be the first Wednesday of October, October 3rd, so we will have our Church Prayer Meeting at 7:30pm. We will have church prayer meetings on the first and third Wednesdays of the month.

October 7th will be Thanksgiving Sunday. As has become a tradition I’d like to encourage you to prepare a few words to share during the service. It is always so encouraging to hear how God has been at work in your life and the lives of your family over the last 12 months.

The Western Canadian Creation Conference is October 12-13 in Red Deer.

Our Mission Focus for this month is Mission Aviation Fellowship. Please continue to pray for the safety and ministry of the Doles and the Reiersons.

Backpacks for Mexico Update: I had a conversation with the director of Camp Little Red and he passed along the extreme thankfulness from the children who received the backpacks and the gifts within them. They had a wonderful time exploring Alberta and are most appreciative of the backpacks. If you would like to make a donation to help out with this then please designate an amount on your offering envelope. Thank you for your generosity and thank you for your continuing support of our local church as well.