Word of God • Prayer • Community

Weekly Update – January 24, 2019

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Hello Church Family,

We will celebrate the Lord’s Table this Sunday. Afterwards there will be a Potluck and if the weather is good, we will play some hockey on the outdoor rink. Bring sticks, skates, and helmets. There will also be board games in the church.

If you’d like to come to the Training Session in Edmonton, “Loving our LGBT Neighbours,” please let me know. It runs on January 31 from 1:00-4:30 and pre-registration is required.

The next Prayer Meeting is February 6.

Parents’ Dinner Date Night is February 9. Reservations close on February 3. Talk to Amanda for more details.

February 9 is also the Annual Meeting for Camp Little Red. Please talk with Angie for more details.

On February 10 there will be an Seniors’ Outreach Event at the church. It begins with a potluck supper, and then a film will be shown. Maybe this is the opportunity you’ve been waiting for? Rob will have more information for us on Sunday.

The Annual Meeting for the Church is set for February 24 after our Sunday service and potluck. 

There are only a few more weeks to get your picture taken for the directory. Please be sure to fill out a contact card.

The Ladies’ Retreat at Camp Little Red is on March 29-30. Registration is due by March 10. 

Our Mission Focus this month is Chosen and Cherished Ministries. Please remember them in your prayers.

I’ve been enjoying the 5-Day New Testament Bible Reading program and will be preaching about the formation of the early church on Sunday.