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Weekly Update – April 4, 2019

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This Sunday we will be blessed to have the Reirsons at our church! They are missionaries with MAF and just finished their first term in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Upcoming Banquets:
Trans World Radio Canada: Thursday, April 11, 6:30pm in Red Deer at Balmoral Bible Chapel.
Living Springs Fundraising Banquet: Saturday, April 13, 5:30pm – 8:30pm, Ages 15+, $35/ticket. Join us for a finely served meal, alumni testimony and live entertainment all at Living Springs Bible Camp. Tickets are limited and must be purchased by April 7.
Camp Little Red Fundraising Banquet: Saturday May 4, 6:00pm, at Camp Little Red. No charge for the meal – a freewill offering will be taken to fundraise for a new cabin.

Sunday School and Plan to Protect: We are going to end Sunday School a little bit earlier in the year this year in the hopes that all our teachers and child workers will be able to complete online Plan to Protect Training. More information on that to follow. Our final Sunday School will be on April 14.

Crafty Saturday: The next one is on April 13, from 10:00 – 4:00 at the church.