Word of God • Prayer • Community

Weekly Update – April 29, 2019

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Hello Church Family,

This Sunday is a Potluck Sunday!

Our next church Prayer Meeting will be Wednesday, May 1, 7:30pm. This will be our last regularly scheduled one until the fall.

Church Spring Clean: Saturday, May 4: 10:00am – noon. This coincides with the Mirror Community Cleanup and there will be a hotdog lunch sponsored by the County at noon at the Community Hall. I know many of you are involved with Hwy cleanup as well on that day.

Camp Little Red is having its Annual Banquet on May 4 out at the camp.

Mirror Day is on Saturday, May 18. I could use one other person to help with the Food Bank Hot Dog Sale right after the parade. Please let me know if you are interested in helping out for one crazy hour!

First Burger for a Buck: Sunday, June 23

Church Campout at Deer Valley Meadows and Saturday Evening Service: July 5 and July 6.

We have scheduled a CEF 5-Day Club Worker to come for our VBS from August 19-23 from 10:00am to 12:00pm. It would be really helpful to have a coordinator who can oversee the helpers for craft and snack and games. We have lots of volunteers, and CEF has a big package of resources. A single point person would really make those days run more smoothly. Thanks for considering this request.

Second Burger for a Buck: August 25

Our Mission Focus this month is MAF. Please remember the Reirsons and the Doles in your prayers.