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Weekly Report – March 10, 2016

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Daylight Savings starts this Sunday, March 13. “Spring Ahead!”

The Josties CD, “Song of Hope,” and their DVD of film sketches, “Jostie Flicks.” are available. They will be in the church library for you to borrow, enjoy, and return 🙂

Women’s Prayer Meeting, Friday, March 18, 2:00pm at the church.

LTCS Thrift Shop opens Saturday, March 19. Official opening 1:00 – 4:00pm with coffee and doughnuts.

Our potluck this month will be on the 20th because of Easter Sunday.  The theme will be … “Eggs!” You know, like in Easter Eggs! What a perfect theme for an Easter season potluck! I suppose you could also go with chicken… because the chicken came first and not the egg.
– Following the potluck there will be a Family Games Afternoon. If you think you will be hungry after the potluck then please bring a snack to share 🙂

The LTCS Easter Drama will be Wednesday March 23 at 7:00pm. Everyone is invited.

Easter Sunrise Service & Continental Breakfast at the Sturgeons.

The Ladies Spring Tea is Saturday, April 16. 10am to noon. Tickets are $5.

Featured Missionaries for March: Rick and Susan Kilbrai and family, Mexico City.