Word of God • Prayer • Community

Weekly Update – April 17, 2018

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Hello Church Family,

How has your Bible reading been going? Have you had a chance to pray for the salvation of someone specific this week? May we be found ready when the time comes to share the gospel with love and boldness.

Tomorrow night is our regular prayer meeting. 7:30pm at the church.

This Saturday we are getting a group together to help with rebuilding a collapsed porch. Meet at the church at 9:45am on Saturday or shortly thereafter in Alix. Jim and Lawrence are heading up this project.

This Sunday will be the final week for the special benevolence offering.

Sunday, April 29 is the Mother’s Day Tea from 2:00-4:00pm at the church.

Looking ahead to May 5: We will have a church spring clean up in the morning. This coincides with the Mirror Community clean up, as well as the province wide highway cleanup. More info to come on this.

Following the cleanup there will be a time of scrapbooking and crafting at the church for all who are interested.

Also looking ahead: A church campout is being planned for July 20-21 (Friday and Saturday) out at Deer Valley Meadows. Mark your calendar, and hopefully you can come spend a night or two, or even just come for the full day on Saturday. More info to come here as well.

Our Mission Focus for this month remains Summer Bible Camps – in particular Camp Little Red, and Living Springs Bible Camp.