Word of God • Prayer • Community

Weekly Update – June 29, 2019

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Hello Church Family,

Praise the Lord for a wonderful baptism service last week! It really was an encouragement to hear Billy and Gwen’s professions of faith and see their action of obedience to the Lord’s command.

Thank you to everyone who helped out at our first Burger for a Buck. The next one is August 25.

We will celebrate the Lord’s Table together tomorrow during service. There will be NO Potluck after tomorrow’s service.

Church Family Campout:
Our church family campout at Deer Valley Meadows is coming up quickly. I hope that you can join us for the weekend, or just the Saturday afternoon and evening service on July 6th. There is a kids’ nature scavenger hunt on Friday night at 6:30pm. On Saturday there is a Hot Dog potluck at 5:30pm. (The church will provide buns, hotdogs, and condiments. Everybody else please bring a drink and a salad or dessert to share.) After the potluck we will have an outdoor service (weather permitting), so please bring lawn chairs. We won’t have a Sunday service at the church on the 7th so make sure to come out to Deer Valley Meadows and worship with us on Saturday night. Check out the flyer in the foyer for more details and register soon!

Please continue to pray for the Central Alberta Pregnancy Care Centre this month.