Word of God • Prayer • Community

Christmas Eve Service

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We are planning for Christmas Eve services here at the Church. In order to maintain the physical distancing protocols necessary we have decided to have 2 services on the 24th–one at 6:30 PM and one at 8:00 PM. At this point we are planning that the current restrictions we are under will still be in vogue then, meaning that we can not offer cohort seating–only those living in the same household can be seated together. So we are asking that you pre-register for the service that you wish to attend–letting us know the number of people in your household and indicating which time suits you best. Please email your response to mirroralliancechurch@gmail.com or call the church office (403-788-2204) to register. There will also be sign-up sheets in the church foyer for the next two Sundays if you are attending our services in person.  We will do our best to make the services as child-friendly as possible and are aiming to keep each service to 45 minutes or less. Unfortunately, we cannot offer nursery or child care due to the Covid regulations. Masks will be mandatory for everyone inside the building.