Word of God • Prayer • Community

Happy Good Friday!

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Today and tomorrow for followers of Jesus are days of contemplation, reflection, repentance and submission as we kneel at the cross, grieve and embrace our own brokenness and that of all creation, and then with anticipation look forward to renewal and restoration on Resurrection Sunday.  The stone has been moved away and the tomb is empty.  ‘He is not here, He is risen!’  He is risen indeed!

I invite you once again to join us in celebrating the Risen Saviour on Sunday morning, April 4th in our 9 AM or 11 AM services.  Our service will include celebrating Communion together as we remember Christ’s broken body and shed blood…until He comes.  We have individual elements for each person who participates so as to be able to ensure everyone’s safety and satisfy COVID 19 protocols.  Just a reminder that our 11 AM service will cater to families with young children and will include children’s church for children in grade 4 and under.

On another note – the Alberta Government has designated Tuesday, April 6th as a Day of Prayer.
“The Government of Alberta will declare a ‘Day of Multi-Faith Prayer and Reflection’ on April 6, 2021. This day will acknowledge the importance of faith and faith-based communities for Albertans, especially in responding to the difficulties the COVID-19 pandemic has presented. In these challenging times, connection to faith and community has played an integral role in cultivating hope and building strong, connected communities. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, it has been uplifting to see how faith-based organizations continue to play an essential role in maintaining social connection, supporting mental health, and building resiliency among their communities. This is vital work, and we are grateful to you for doing it.”
It is exciting to see our Provincial Government acknowledging the place that prayer and faith has in responding to and dealing with the challenges we have been facing for the past year+ related to the COVID 19 pandemic. I think it is important that we lean into this opportunity. Though I will be in Calgary on Tuesday, I would like for as many of us as possible to come together virtually to thank God, pray and intercede on behalf of one another, our province and the world in this time of challenge. I am proposing a Zoom gathering from 7:30-8:15 pm on Tuesday evening–our agenda will be simple–to thank God for His faithfulness, pray and intercede, and encourage one another in hope. I will send out a Zoom invitation on Tuesday

