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Growth Groups Fall 2012

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We are very excited to kick off another season of growth groups! Here’s what we are offering this fall:

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Fruit of the Spirit – Women’s Bible Study

After an introductory lesson on the person and role of the Holy Spirit, we will look at the fruit of the Spirit – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. These Bible studies from Old and New Testament passages highlight each quality and inspire us to nurture the Spirit’s fruit in our lives.  As we make this journey together we will also be accountable to the group for aspects of our spiritual lives.

Starts October 2

Tuesday Mornings: 10:00-11:30am

Meet at the church

Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage – DVD Series

Based on Mark Gungor’s wildly popular seminar, Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage® explores the underlying dynamics of male/female relationships. By using his unique blend of humor and tell-it-like-it-is honesty, he helps couples get along and have fun doing it.

Starts September 23

Sunday Nights: 6:30-8:00pm

Meet at the church

Child-care Provided!

Children’s Ministry Team

Stretch your spiritual muscles – Explore how God has gifted you – Get involved! The Children’s Ministry Team is a fantastic opportunity to grow in your spiritual journey as you share the love of Christ with the children in our community. Every meeting will include practical, Biblical leadership training – that you can then put into practice in real-life ministry. Anyone can serve!

Dates & Times to be Determined by Participants

Runs 9 weeks

Meet at the church


WALK is a great way to keep fit during the winter months. We will be walking together in the Mirror School building – recording our total distance each week to see just how far we’ve travelled! We will also be ‘walking’ through Randy Alcorn’s book ‘Heaven’ – keeping spiritually fit as we learn together.

Starts September 17

Monday Nights: 7:00pm

Goes for 12 weeks

Meet at the Mirror School

Yes, I want to register right now!

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