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Something New for Sunday School

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Something New for Sunday SchoolIt’s been fantastic to see full Sunday School classrooms over this past year – in fact, they’ve been spilling out into the foyer! So to better accomodate all these kids, we’re changing things up a little bit. Sunday School will now happen BEFORE the Sunday Service. Starting on March 24th at 9:30am, we will have three classes for kids of all grades – K-3, 4-8, and 9-12. There will be 15 minutes of songs & teaching with everyone (kinda like an extended kid’s feature), followed by 25 minutes of class time.

During the Sunday Service, grades K-12 will stay ‘in-service’. Childcare will be provided for pre-school kids aged 2-4 and the nursery will be available to Moms & babies.

This is something new for us (we’re not really sure how it will all work!), so we welcome your feedback and we encourage your participation! The coffee is always on, so everyone is welcome to participate, visit, and hang out with us! This is a great opportunity for older generations to get involved with the younger generations!

We look forward to seeing you then!