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Weekly Update – January 21, 2016

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Here are a few reminders as to what is happening in our church life in the next few weeks.

Friday, Jan. 22, **First Week**, Bible Study, “Witnessing, How to Give Away Your Faith.”  7:30pm at the church.

There will be no youth group this week.

Sat., Jan. 23, Men’s Work Day: 9:00am at the Mirror Christian School. The project is painting.

Church Directory Update: Come prepared to smile for the camera on Sunday Morning! If you need some information changed in the directory please fill out a new information card.

Ladies Bible Study continues Tuesday 7:30pm and Wednesday 10:00am at the church.

Sunday, Jan. 31 will be our first potluck of 2016. The theme is “Sweet (20) Sixteen.”

Our annual meeting will be on Feb. 28.