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Weekly Update – February 4, 2016

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A few reminders:

Youth Group resumes, “Do all religions lead to God?” Friday, February 5, 7:30pm at the church.

Our regular Bible studies continue:
Galatians: Tuesday 7:30pm, Wednesday 10am
Witnessing: Friday 7:30pm

Featured Mission(s) this month: Camp Little Red and Living Springs Bible Camp. Please remember them in your prayers.

Church Directory Update: Please fill out the contact cards if your information has changed. We hope to be able to take pictures for the directory next Sunday as well.

Ladies’ Movie Night: Saturday, February 27, 7:00pm at the church

February 27: Good Seed International, Authors of Stranger on the Road to Emmaus, and What are Christmas and Easter All About? are having a one day evangelism course at Bethany Baptist Church in Red Deer.

Annual Meeting: Sunday, February 28 after the morning service and potluck.

Musical Group: The Josties are able to come to our church on Friday, March 4. Watch for more information to come.

Bill 10: There is a petition in the church foyer that you can sign to let the Provincial Government know your concerns with this new legislation. Here is the wording:
We, the undersigned residents of Alberta, demand the amendment or full recall of Bill 10, and the voluntary implementation of the Education Guidelines for Best Practices, so as to restore Alberta parental rights to be informed and involved in the development of the social environment and of anti-bullying clubs in Alberta schools, for the benefit of their children.
Or you can sign the petition online at Parents for Choice in Education. Also there is information on how to contact the Elected Officials and much more.