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Weekly Update – February 18, 2016

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Feb. 21: Camp Little Red will be in charge of the morning service.

Upcoming events:
Feb. 27: One day evangelism training at Bethany Baptist using GoodSeed materials
Feb. 27: Ladies’ Movie night, 7:00 pm at the church
Feb. 28: Annual Meeting and Potluck after the morning service
Mar. 4:  The Josties in concert, 7:00 pm at the church
Mar. 20: Family Games Afternoon after the church potluck
Apr. 16: Ladies Spring Tea, 10 am – noon at the church

February Missions Focus:
Camp Little Red, Living Springs Bible Camp, and any other summer camps that you know. Pray for their upcoming summer of ministry: for staff, campers, that Jesus Christ would be clearly presented as Lord and Saviour, that the Holy Spirit would change hearts and lives, and for all their financial needs.