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Weekly Update – March 17, 2016

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Upcoming Events:

Friday, March 18 — Youth – 7:30pm at the church. “Why is there evil?” is the topic.

Saturday, March 19 — Men’s Breakfast at the Clive Baptist Church

Sunday, March 20Potluck and Family Games afternoon at the church. The potluck theme is “Eggs and/or Chicken.”

Wednesday, March 23 — The LTCS Easter Drama  at 7:00pm. Everyone is invited.

Friday, March 25 — We will not be having a Good Friday service here, but the Alix E-Free church is having a communion service at 10:30am, and the Clive Baptist Church is having a service at 10:30am.

Sunday, March 27 — Easter Sunrise Service out at the Sturgeon farm. We will meet at 7:00am and make our way up the hillside to watch the sunrise and sing songs of praise.  There will be a continental breakfast to follow. Coffee and juice will be provided. Please bring “breakfasty” foods to share.

There will be no Sunday School on Easter Sunday morning. Our service will begin at the usual time of 10:30. We will celebrate communion together.

Sunday, March 27 —  Concert by keyboardist Aaron Alfred Lee at the Clive Baptist Church at 7:00pm.

Saturday, April 16 — The Ladies Spring Tea from 10am to noon. Tickets are $5.

Featured Missionaries for March: Rick and Susan Kilbrai and family, Mexico City.


Spring Banquets are coming for the following ministries:

Living Springs Bible Camp Banquet: Saturday, April 2 at the Wetaskawin Mission Church. Tickets are $15.

Camp Little Red: Saturday, May 7 at the Camp.