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Weekly Update – May 5, 2016

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This Saturday (May 7) is our Church Work Bee. Please bring some tools and your willing hands to make these things (and more!) possible: Bleach the kids toys in the nursery, Rake back the gravel from the lawn, Weed and address the trees in the parking lot, Scrape and paint the garbage box and the church shed doors, Wash the windows and brush down the siding, Hammer the little plastic pegs from the chairs back in.   That’s the list that I have so far. At noon the county is hosting a hot dog barbecue for all the community members who have helped to clean up the community and we are invited to come.  We’ll start at 9:00am. Hope to see you there!

The Camp Little Red Banquet is on Saturday May 7.

Sunday School is on vacation until the fall.

Sunday is Mother’s Day which means it is the start of the Pregnancy Care Center’s Baby Bottle Fundraiser. Please remember them in your prayers this month as they are our missionary focus for the month of May.

Baptism Classes: We will have our first baptism class on Friday, May 13. I’m so excited to see the interest growing and growing! Have you been thinking about being baptized and making a public confession of your faith? Come out to the church at 7:00pm next Friday and we’ll have a closer look about what baptism is all about.

Peaceful Parent Rally to protect Alberta children by upholding parent rights at the Legislature Grounds on Saturday, May 14 at 2 pm. Parents and children are welcome to attend.