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Weekly Update – September 22, 2016

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Hello Church Family,

Sunday School starts this Sunday at 9:30am!

This Sunday is also the last Sunday of September which means we will celebrate the Lord’s Table together.

It also means that it is Potluck Sunday. No theme this month 🙂

Thanksgiving is coming up soon. It has become something of a tradition here to have a sharing service at the church. I hope that you would consider sharing with your church family how God has been at work in your life during this last year.

Ladies Book Study is Sept 23.

There are a couple of upcoming suppers and banquets: The Mirror Rec Society has their supper on Saturday night, and Deer Valley Meadows has one on Saturday, October 8.

The first phase of our Discipleship Program begins on Sunday, October 23 from 1:30 to 4:30pm at the church.

Camp Little Red is hosting some Winter Camps and some M.O.R.E. weekends. Brochures are on the bulletin board. The first Maturing Organizing Rooting Excelling weekend is October 16-18 “God Has Spoken: A Study of the Sacred Scriptures” Peter Erratt, Pastor of Bethany Baptist.

Helpers and Leaders for the Nursery are still needed; please sign up in the church foyer or talk with Shannon.

Our Missions Focus this month is the Penhold Church of Hope. Please pray for Dave and Heather Trenholm and their family.