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Weekly Update – October 27, 2016

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 Hello Church Family,

Bible Study: Tonight at 7:30pm at the church.

Youth: Friday night at the church, 7:00pm.

Potluck: After Sunday’s service. The theme is, “Thanksgiving Leftovers,” or if you prefer, “Thanksgiving Part II,” or if you prefer, “I’ll bring this to share.” 🙂

Shoebox Packing Party: After the Potluck there will be a Shoebox Packing Party for Operation Christmas Child.

Discipleship Training Time: The second part of Discipleship Training will be on Sunday, November 6. The focus will be on witnessing.

Home for the Holidays will be Saturday, November 19 at 10:00am. Tickets will be available on Sunday

Tuesday, November 22 at 7:00pm there is an evening with Sheila Wray Gregoire entitled “Girl Talk” at Erskine EFree Church.

There is a marriage seminar happening in Stettler on November 12 from 9:30 to 3:30 pm. It is entitled “Winning at Conflict.” The presenters are Simon and Ruth Clarence. The cost is $35 per person. www.ruthandsimon.com
At This Seminar You Will Learn:
*How to Develop Healthy Conflict Resolution Skills
*How to Fight Fair
*How to Give and Receive Criticism
*How to Manage Anger
*How Your Family of Origin Affects Your Resolution Skills
*How to Apologize Appropriately
*How to Forgive and Rebuild Trust
An entertaining day filled with humor, fresh insights and new strategies for your marriage!  You’ll go home feeling excited, energized and refreshed! Timeless, life-changing Biblical wisdom will be shared that you can start to apply immediately and for years to come! You’ll be glad you came!