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Weekly Update – November 3, 2016

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Sunday we switch back to standard time. Remember that hour we skipped way back in the spring? We get it back this weekend!

Sunday afternoon there will be part two of our Discipleship Training. The focus will be on evangelism. 1:30pm to 4:30pm.

The shoebox packing party was a success and if you have some boxes at home please bring them to the church by November 13.

Thank you for all the donations for our shoe box packing party last Sunday.  When it was all done we had 21 boxes completed.  If you weren’t able to attend but are still looking for ways to donate; consider donating funds to help cover shipping fees.  Each box requires $7/box to get them to their destination.  There is also the course material for The Great Adventure that can be donated to as well.  There is also a great need for winter supplies for boxes being sent to the Ukraine.  Winter supplies can be put directly into your shoe boxes.  Please put a note on the outside that they are for the Ukraine.  Or we as a church may donate loose winter supplies to fill boxes at the sorting facility.  Please remember all items must be brand new.  Monetary donations can be placed in the offering plate or online at Samaritan’s Purse.

There will not be youth group on November 11 due to the holiday.

November 12 there is a marriage seminar in Stettler: www.ruthandsimon.com

November 19 is the Home for the Holidays ladies brunch at 10:00am.

Our mission focus for November is SAM Ministries.