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Weekly Update – December 15, 2016

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Caroling and Board Games! On Saturday at 2:30 we will be heading from the church into Mirror to sing Christmas carols. Afterwards we will return to the church for a potluck supper and some board games. Can you come and sing with us? Or maybe you would just rather join us for an early supper? Hope to see you there 🙂

Our Christmas Eve Service of songs and scripture will be at 7:00pm at the church.

We will have a service on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day at our regular time of 10:30am.

Sunday School will take a break on December 25 and January 1 but will resume on the 8th. May our faithful teachers enjoy a refreshing break for the holidays.

Thank you for faithfully supporting the ministry of our church. A reminder that all gifts must be received before December 31 in order to qualify for 2016 charitable donation receipts.

Let’s also continue to remember TransWorld Radio Canada and their radio ministry within Quebec.